Although this habitat is rather unusual for the organisms of the fungi kingdom, the St. Lawrence River waters have the potential to host previously unsuspected...
When applied research becomes a tool for regional development In addition to research and innovation, regional development is at the heart of Biopterre’s mission, especially...
The Technological Showcase, located directly in the Boisé Beaupré of Sainte-Anne-de-la-Pocatière is an experimental plot focused on the cultivation of non-timber forest products (NTFP). It...
SiliCycle Inc. was founded in 1995 in Quebec. This company is a worldwide leader in the development, manufacturing and marketing of specialty pharmaceutical products. Technical...
Quebec’s microbreweries do not purchase much local hops, often preferring the cones of patented varieties instead. These varieties impart beer with tropical aromas and flavours...
ADSOL is a Quebec-based company that specializes in lighting products for horticulture and surface disinfection using LED technology. They design, manufacture, market and install LED...
Airex Energy® is the company behind the patented CarbonFX torrefaction technology that transforms sawmill by-products and forest biomass into value-added products. Initially oriented towards the...