
Development of a Seed Germination and Transplant Production Process for Edible Halophytes





Development partners

Jardins de Métis

Project Manager/Contact at Biopterre

The production of seaside plants is an avenue that Reford Gardens wishes to develop for their high gastronomic and environmental potential. The first phase of research was funded by the Engage Grants for Colleges (NSERC) (6 months, $25,000) from fall 2018 to 2019. During this first phase, germination and transplant production parameters were defined for four seaside plants. Cultural management strategies for transplant production are largely undocumented in terms of crop substrates, optimal irrigation (e.g., irrigation with salt water to induce turgidity) and fertilization methods. Although some halophytic plants are grown outdoors in Europe, trials in North America remain embryonic and no cultural management strategy has yet been defined for Quebec. The first phase of research allowed to establish the best techniques for harvesting, processing and germination of four plants (brightness, seed type, seed size, harvesting location, seed age, stratification, and scarification). Comparisons of different substrates and fertilizers were also conducted to optimize transplant production methods.


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